On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 04:43 -0700, markguy wrote:
> I'm covering all the bases. Or trying to.
> re: django_source: Wow. Uh, thanks. I have no idea why I typed that out
> fully in httpd.conf. Fixing that leads to a new error:
> EnvironmentError: Could not import settings 'bbg.settings' (Is it on
> sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named bbg.settings

That should be easy enough to diagnose. My initial guess would be that
bbg is in django_projects/, rather than django_src/, just from the way
you named your directories. Remember that .bash_profile is obviously not
going to be run by Apache (it's not bash, after all) and your PYTHONPATH
settings there were broader than your mod_python config settings.

> I'll investigate on my own, but thanks for editorial wizardry! :)
> re: import django: Yes, it returns literally nothing. I was trying to
> establish that I could load django in the shell at least.
> The bbg/urls.py looks like this:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>       ( r'^admin/' , include( 'django.contrib.admin.urls' ) ) ,
>       ( r'' , include( 'bbg.goods' ) ) ,
> )
> I was trying to tie /bbg to the top level. Is there a better, official
> way to do this?

I have many questions at this point. Firstly, is it correct to assume
your project is called bbg/ ? So bbg.urls is the value of the
ROOT_URLCONF setting in your appropriate settings.py?

If so, the "include ('bbg.goods')" line looks suspicious. Is "goods.py"
a URL configuration file? Or did you mean that to be bbg.goods.url?

The previous error you posted was saying there was something wrong with
the construction of your root URL conf (bbg/urls.py, presumably), so
investigate that file carefully. For example, comment out both lines:
does runserver start? Can you view http://localhost:8000/ (it will give
you a pretty error page)? No uncomment the admin line. Rinse, wash,


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