You have much more freedom with defining search criteria. In case of ForeignKeys, users can also select more then one related object, so one can search for "books, that have genre Sci-Fi or Fantasy".
Also, as it's noted in the documentation, you can define InlineQueries (comparable to the InlineAdmin). With these, you can answer questions like "which authors have written books that have genre Sci-Fi or Fantasy" (in the case of Author->Book relationship in the models). Later, it will be possible to search for <number_field> between <min> and <max> or <number_field> greater than <min>. And if you have many records in the foreign model, the filter lists in the admin are quite unhandy I think. I think these possibilities are quite unique for a completely general interface. On 31 Mai, 13:35, Jeliuc Alexandr <> wrote: > Hello. > Can You explain the difference between this module and filters and > search functionality of admin.modelAdmin? > What is its best? > > On May 31, 1:55 pm, Guthy Peter <> wrote: > > > > > Dear Django users, > > > I have written a new module for Django: it's called django-queries, > > and is sort of a mix between the Admin and the Databrowse products. > > While the Admin interface is for entering data, django-queries is > > intended for searching the entered information. > > > After defining the searchable fields, users are able to define complex > > search criteria for filtering the datasets. Field types and field > > dependencies are worked out automatically. > > > Please have a look on the website > > > > > You can find there examples and screenshots as well. > > > I would be happy if someone would find this product useful. > > > Please feel free to adding comments to the page and the code. > > > Yours, > > Peter Guthy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at