On 6/28/06, Craig Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I downloaded the svn version of django a couple of weeks ago, and had
> it working fine within Debian. I installed Ubuntu 6.06 today, and my
> django install has stopped working.

This is very strangely worded. You installed Ubuntu completely on top
of Debian and then installed Django from SVN again? You're not being
explicit enough.

> I can run python interactively and type "import django" and get no
> errors, but when I go into our project directory and run "./manage.py
> syncdb",  I get this error:
> ImportError: No module named django

In your site-packages directory (typically something like
/usr/local/lib/python24/site-packages), do you have anything
resembling Django (egg or directory)?

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven

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