
I would like to use django models on external scripts to
initialize/modify the database. Is it possible?

I've followed the instructions of the tutorial (set
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='website.settings' and importing
website.settings works on python shell) but haven't been able to get it
to work with this simple script:

from models import Format
[f.save() for f in (
        Format(order= 1, name='One'),
        Format(order= 2, name='Two'),

Executing "initialize.py" on the command line always shows the error:
EnvironmentError: Could not import settings ''website.settings'' (is it
on sys.path?): No module named 'website.settings'. (Yes, it is on

and if I try to import the script under manage.py shell it shows:
AttributeError: 'Format' object has no attribute 'id'.

I'm using the latest Magic Removal Branch on Windows XP and Python


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