On 4/17/06, Julio César Carrascal Urquijo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to use django models on external scripts to
> initialize/modify the database. Is it possible?

It certainly should be possible.

> I've followed the instructions of the tutorial (set
> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='website.settings' and importing
> website.settings works on python shell) but haven't been able to get it
> to work with this simple script:
> from models import Format
> [f.save() for f in (
>         Format(order= 1, name='One'),
>         Format(order= 2, name='Two'),
> )]

Ok; first off - have you been able to run the development server
successfully with your project? Have you used the admin view to
create/delete/modify "Format" objects?

> Executing "initialize.py" on the command line always shows the error:
> EnvironmentError: Could not import settings ''website.settings'' (is it
> on sys.path?): No module named 'website.settings'. (Yes, it is on
> sys.path).

This sounds like you haven't set up DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE properly.
To check this - If you start a Python prompt (not the manage.py shell
- just a normal Python shell), what gets printed when you run:

>>> import os
>>> print os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']


If you get a KeyError, then whatever you are doing to set
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE isn't working when you start the script. Since
you are using Windows - how are you starting the script?

> and if I try to import the script under manage.py shell it shows:
> AttributeError: 'Format' object has no attribute 'id'.

Nothing immediately jumps to the front of my mind - however, your
import statement is a little wierd - ordinarily, I would expect to see
"from project.app.models import Format"

Where is your 'initialize.py' script located?

Where/how are you executing it?

What exactly is output when you run:

>>> import sys
>>> print sys.path


At the manage.py shell, does "from models import Format" raise any exceptions?

At the manage.py shell, does "from project.app.models import Format"
(for appropriate values of project.app) raise any exceptions?

Russ Magee %-)

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