As the other poster this is the typical behaviour. To minimise
confusion on the users part you can take a approach similar to to bbc.
If you look at the following rss feed it's been transformed with xslt:
here is the xsl

You can probably use a similar approach. You should learn a bit about
xsl if you want to take this approach. You can do this at this site
(yes I know w3schools aren't brilliant but it's the best I can easily
find for free):

Also if you want an rss (or atom) feed to show up in the corner of
firefox by putting the following code in the head of the of the page
you want the icon to show up on.

<link href="";
rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The title of the
feed" />

I don't know about other browsers but I presume that they'll use this too.

If this looks like rambling that's because I've just woken up,

On 10/04/06, coulix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi i amnage to make the feed working, but when a user clic on it i
> would it to be an xml file with foo.xml formal, actually now its only
> foo so rss agregators still works but when you clic on it, t ask how to
> open it ect.
> I know its not very important since anyway it is not mean to be read in
> the browser, but still.
> thank you :)
> >

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