Hello there, I have the following problem. Here's my template fragment; it defines a menu:
<ul> <li>mushrooms</li> <li>cheese</li> <li>tomatoes</li> <li>onion</li> </ul> Now, I'd like to be able to highlight one item in some templates, and another item in other templates. Only the templates know what should be highlighted. To do that, I'd like to define a class="selected" for that item, so that the output will be for example: <ul> <li>mushrooms</li> <li>cheese</li> <li class="selected">tomatoes</li> <li>onion</li> </ul> Now, I'd like to write the menu only once and then use it the following way: {% declare menuselection tomatoes %} {% include "menu" %} The menu would have been defined as follows: <ul> <li {% ifequal menuselection "mushrooms" %} class="selected" {% endifequal %}>mushrooms</li> <li {% ifequal menuselection "tomatoes" %} class="selected" {% endifequal %}>tomatoes</li> <li {% ifequal menuselection "cheese" %} class="selected" {% endifequal %}>cheese</li> <li {% ifequal menuselection "onion" %} class="selected" {% endifequal %}>onion/li> </ul> A couple of questions: does anyone have a better idea how to do it? And, of course, the declare tag does not exists - is there a way of defining a variable from within a template? Thanks, Jiri