Jiri Barton wrote:
> Hello there,
> I have the following problem. Here's my template fragment; it defines a
> menu:
> <ul>
>     <li>mushrooms</li>
>     <li>cheese</li>
>     <li>tomatoes</li>
>     <li>onion</li>
> </ul>
> Now, I'd like to be able to highlight one item in some templates, and
> another item in other templates. Only the templates know what should be
> highlighted. To do that, I'd like to define a class="selected" for that
> item, so that the output will be for example:
> <ul>
>     <li>mushrooms</li>
>     <li>cheese</li>
>     <li class="selected">tomatoes</li>
>     <li>onion</li>
> </ul>
> Now, I'd like to write the menu only once and then use it the following
> way:
> {% declare menuselection tomatoes %}
> {% include "menu" %}
> The menu would have been defined as follows:
> <ul>
>     <li {% ifequal menuselection "mushrooms" %} class="selected" {%
> endifequal %}>mushrooms</li>
>     <li {% ifequal menuselection "tomatoes" %} class="selected" {%
> endifequal %}>tomatoes</li>
>     <li {% ifequal menuselection "cheese" %} class="selected" {%
> endifequal %}>cheese</li>
>     <li {% ifequal menuselection "onion" %} class="selected" {%
> endifequal %}>onion/li>
> </ul>
> A couple of questions: does anyone have a better idea how to do it?
> And, of course, the declare tag does not exists - is there a way of
> defining a variable from within a template?
> Thanks,
> Jiri

I would do it like this (python 2.4 decorator syntax, no i18n) :

in a templatetag module: (read the template docs)
from django.core import template
register = template.Library()

names = ['mushrooms','cheese','tomatoes','onion']

def menu(selected):
    return {
        'items': [ { 'name':name,
                     'selected': name == selected } for name in  ]

{%for item in items%}
<li {%if item.selected%}class='selected'{%endif%} >


Obviously you could adjust this fairly easily, eg get the choices from
the database.

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