Hi Edson,

On that Wiki page, under Workflow, point 6:

you'll find a very brief summary of the needed steps.
Could you try that and report successes/failures?
Also feel free to beef up this Wiki documentation as you wish.


Le 02. 09. 16 à 00:45, Edson Heneman a écrit :

I'm helping translate Django Docs to pt_BR (Portuguese), right now I'm
using Transifex in my browser which is okay, but I wish I could clone
django repo from here https://github.com/django/django
<https://github.com/django/django> and then run the command "make html"
inside django/docs in order to tell Sphinx to generate django docs in
portuguese. Is it possible to generate the pt_BR docs locally? If so, I
would be able to see mistakes, typos, broken links, and so on more easily.

Trying to accomplish that, my first guess was a file inside django/docs
called "Makefile" which has inside it an option "LANGUAGE", but it
didn't worked, the docs are always generated in English. Then I saw
another repo called "django-docs-translations", after cloning it and
installing transifex-client, I tried to run "tx pull -f -l pt_BR" and
then I got the following output:

Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.contents (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contents.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.faq (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.glossary-1 (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/glossary.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.howto (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/howto.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.index (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.internals (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/internals.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.intro (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/intro.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.misc (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/misc.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.reference (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ref.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.releases (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/releases.po
Pulling new translations for resource django-docs.topics (source: None)
 -> pt_BR: translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/topics.po

I saw my own translations inside some of these files, so looks good. But
how can I merge them with the file called "django.po" inside the folder


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