Hi Finn,

> In the Danish Django translation, DATE_FORMAT is "j. F Y".
> In settings.py in my project I have:
> USE_I18N = True
> USE_L10N = True
> Now I have this in a template:
> {{ object.published_on|date }}
> I would now expect the date variable to be formatted like "10. juni
> 2010". Nevertheless, it is formatted like "June 10, 2010" (default/
> American formatting, I suppose).
> How come?
> If I specifically set the date format in settings.py like:
> DATE_FORMAT = "j. F Y"
> - I get: "10. June 2010" - which is still not correct!

As mentioned in the docs [1], the date filter won't apply any localization if 
not given a specific formatting string or the name of predefined format, such 

So given your above example this is required to make the date filter query the 
locale system for the current locale's format called "DATE_FORMAT":

  {{ object.published_on|date:"DATE_FORMAT" }}

Hope that helps,


1: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/ref/templates/builtins/#date

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