> I'm curious to hear what you think about this topic. In my opinion it is a serious problem. Not only about banks: everybody and everything is willing to install trojan horses in our telephones. And the telephone is becoming a bad SPoF -- but most users don't care because everything is backed-up on the vendor's cloud system, so nothing is lost if the telephone drowns in the lake.
But that's old news in this group. I recently updated by ID card, and the papers I received suggest to install the national app from the play store. Our public administration is strongly suggesting to make an account on a foreign private company. I wasn't quick enough to tell the officer. When I met a not-so-unsavvy friend who works in the same office (but another town), he dismissed my complaint as irrelevant. So that's the world we live in. And I live well withot that app, but the suggestion is very strong. > What's your experience with your bank? My bank wants me to call a free-of-charge number and dial in the digits it gave me on the web interface. Which is only accepted from the registered telephone number. So I'm happy, in this respect, but it's not common. Other family members installed the app of their bank. My bank has the app, but it's not mandatory: they still accept clients with real telephones, like mine. I'm convinced that the only way forward is having two devices. One with our contacts and osm and such stuff, and one owned by the vendor where we install the mandatory apps -- to be stored off and/or offline most of the time. But I'm scared. In the current social and geopolitical situation, all minority groups are perceived as one and the same -- because very often who is against common ideas and practices in one field is against them on other fields too. As a result, we are easily associated with conspiration theories, and thus disregarded by most sensible people. _______________________________________________ Discussion mailing list Discussion@lists.fsfe.org https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/listinfo/discussion This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other: https://fsfe.org/about/codeofconduct