Hey FSFE community,

We're thrilled to offer a space for all our friends in the Free Software community at the Chaos Communication Camp 2023 [1]! This is Europe's largest open-air gathering of hackers, organized by the Chaos Computer Club every four years. This time, it's happening from August 15th to 19th, 2023 at the Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, near Berlin [2].

We'll be setting up a "Bits & Bäume" habitat at the camp, alongside many other friendly organizations. And we really hope you can come hang out with us! There'll be plenty of opportunities to meet new and familiar faces, have fun, and get involved in the universe of Free Software. Inside the habitat, we'll have our very own FSFE area where we'll be holding discussions about all sorts of Free Software-related topics.

We're talking Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, "Public Money? Public Code!", upcycling Android, and much more! Of course, there'll also be plenty of chances to just chill and enjoy the amazing atmosphere of the CCCamp with other Free Software enthusiasts.

So if you're interested in coming along, we'd absolutely love to hear from you! Check out this link to let us know you're keen:


We're also taking part in the official call for participation this year, focusing on topics related to Free Software, critical and creative use of technology, and their impact on society. You can find out more about this on the CCCamp website: https://pretalx.c3voc.de/chaos-communication-camp-2023/cfp

We can't wait to see both new and familiar faces at the Chaos Communication Camp 2023, and to spend countless hours geeking out about Free Software together!

  Erik, Tobias, and Bonnie

[1] https://events.ccc.de/2023/04/21/camp2023/
[2] https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/267114042
Tobias Diekershoff >>> System Hacker
Free Software Foundation Europe
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290
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