on the third Saturday of September, the world traditionally celebrates
Software Freedom Day. So this year it's September 16th, 2023.
In our hackerspace (Brussels), we've been upholding this tradition for a
few years now. Last year, we worked around the topic 'the cloud is
yours' (https://hsbxl.be/events/software-freedom-day/2022-10-02/). For
this year, we'd like to tackle the topic of free software and its value
in education.
Right now, we're looking around for people interested in giving a
presentation, hosting a discussion panel, organizing a workshop, ...
These can be in Dutch, French or English.
Depending on the response, the event could be anything from a one day,
single track event up to a full weekend, triple track event. Would you
be interested in participating, or do you know people that I might reach
out to? Please get in touch!
Oh, and if Brussels is too far away... nobody's stopping you to
celebrate Software Freedom in your neck of the woods! Hop in at
www.softwarefreedomday.org for more details.
Hackerspace Brussels
Discussion mailing list
This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
participants are kindly asked to be excellent to each other: