Agree, i asked relevant developers who have experience with Free Software Game Development to join the list and provide their insight + I try to contact people organizing open-source / linux game jams to help with organization.
I already talked with some of them in terms of organization and i've compiled this list of suggestions: 1. provide a handling for "troll submissions" which are usually very common in game jams.
2. Consider providing a theme3. Ban any non-free game engines and any non-free tools e.g. to require using GNU GIMP instead of A$ Photoshop.
4. Ban any non-free game assets excluding Creative Commons. 5. Require the game license to be GPLv3 complying6. Clarification whether the developer can work solo or in a team (teams usually have an advantage over solo developers) 7. Require that the game be developed after the event started (to avoid people submitting their long finished games to give everyone a fair chance) 8. Game requiring minimum of X ratings (assuming the community deciding which game should win) to be placed in leaderboard. 9. The game jam should be a recurring event e.g. 4x a year as one-time game jams are not appealing to the game development as the main advantage to participating is to get promotion to sustain the further development. 10. In general the price pool for game jams is crowd sourced once the game jams gets to be known enough for sufficient amount of people to participate, but new game jams should have an initial price pool and method for people to donate to it. The target price pool should be in $$$$ range that enables the top 3~8+ submission to get a sufficient economical boost to help with development. Without price pool the games usually end up being an abadonware. 11. Fork policy as forking an already finished/worked on game gives the contestant an advantage, but open-source game jam should have this allowed assuming that their fork provides a significant functionality (maybe a separate category?) 12. Provide a list of Free Software Tools so that people who are not familiar with Free Software has the resources to know how to participate. 13. The event should be announced +- 1 month in advance with a heavy promotion and usually the theme is announced at the day where the event starts to avoid people working on a game prior to the event to get an unfair advantage. 14. The open-source jam <> provides a "Open-Source Karma" points which are points for following best practices alike provided README, etc.. that increase the change of win, this should also be included in LibreJam.
> The mailing lists you sent your message to are either (1) not the FSF's or (2) meant for other things. Maybe is ok for this purpose. fsf-community-team is not meant to be a discussion list. -- RMS
1. I wanted to include Free Software Australia. i know that they are not part of FSF, but they are a group of volunteers spreading Free Software in Australia that are compatible with values of FSF such as So i though that they might provide their point of view on this proposal. They can be excluded from the discussion if you feel like it's inappropriate.
2. My fault! Moved the discussion from fsf-community-team to libreplanet-discuss.
On 12/29/21 05:51, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]] [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] This might be fun, but it would be a lot of work and would need leaders who are familiar with free software game development, plus leaders who know how to run an event. The mailing lists you sent your message to are either (1) not the FSF's or (2) meant for other things. Maybe is ok for this purpose. fsf-community-team is not meant to be a discussion list. -- Dr Richard Stallman ( Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project ( Founder, Free Software Foundation ( Internet Hall-of-Famer (
On 12/28/21 11:43, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
There are too many overhyped proprietary games that are either unplayable or are just a rewrite of something that already exists and not enough libre games that are worth the time playing where from my talks with the relevant game developers seems to be mainly due to the economy of developing more complicated games and their inability to promote the games to the general public to sustain the development.Thus as a solution i am proposing for FSF* network to cooperate and host a "Libre Game Jam" as in a recurring tournament that anyone can join and submit GPLv3-complying games in set amount of time where top submissions (community voted) get promotion and monetary rewards.To organize this jam i am suggesting:a) Use which is MIT licensed digital distribution platform <> which already has the management for these jams on (webapp source code under GPLv3 is allegedly said to be released on demand, submitted, other clients are GPLv3 complying) b) Ask craig from FSF Directory to dedicate 10 min in the weekly FSD meetup for managing the game jam and make the submission on the FSD wiki or on other appropriate submission (i asked him and he didn't disagreed at the time of sending this email + i checked that he has the time to do that as part of the FSD meetup)Inspired by LudumDare <> which is also a proof-of-concept that generates libre games monthly e.g. FSF, FSFE, FSFLA, FSFI, Free Software Australia (#AcceptFSFAUinFSFNetwork they do a lot of great work!), RMS
-- -- Jacob Hrbek
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