There are too many overhyped proprietary games that are either
unplayable or are just a rewrite of something that already exists and
not enough libre games that are worth the time playing where from my
talks with the relevant game developers seems to be mainly due to the
economy of developing more complicated games and their inability to
promote the games to the general public to sustain the development.

Thus as a solution i am proposing for FSF* network to cooperate and host
a "Libre Game Jam" as in a recurring tournament that anyone can join and
submit GPLv3-complying games in set amount of time where top submissions
(community voted) get promotion and monetary rewards.

To organize this jam i am suggesting:
a) Use which is MIT licensed digital distribution
platform <> which already has the
management for these jams on (webapp source code
under GPLv3 is allegedly said to be released on dema
nd, submitted, other clients are GPLv3
b) Ask craig from FSF Directory to dedicate 10 min in the weekly FSD
meetup for managing the game jam and make the submission on the FSD wiki
or on other appropriate submission (i asked him and he didn't disagreed
at the time of sending this email + i checked that he has the time to do
that as part of the FSD meetup)

Inspired by LudumDare <> which is also a
proof-of-concept that generates libre games monthly e.g.

To FSF, FSFE, FSFLA, FSFI, Free Software Australia
(#AcceptFSFAUinFSFNetwork they do a lot of great work!), RMS

-- Jacob Hrbek

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