> Currently, the README's build instructions assume that the user is not
> working on an adversarial system.  One thing I'd like to see with
> Hachette, in order to maximize user freedom, is to not make this
> assumption.  Instead, revamp the build system. [...]

This is possible to do. However, is it really likely someone running
Losedows will be interested in building the extension?

I shall later provide prebuilt versions. I am not doing this right now
simply because what I prepared so far is directed at hackers (except,
perhaps, the non-technical part of the documentation). There are still
some things that need to be done before the extension will be suitable
for use by the general public.

As to POSIX-compatibility - sure, there is some risk of problems
occuring. I do really hope there won't be any, though (I am not even
using bash for the extension...)

> This can be ameliorated by redoing the build system so that a
> description of the build process is detailed in a document (say
> build.html) that lives in the repo root.  This document would be
> responsible for both telling the user what steps are necessary, and to
> function as the build script itself.

That might be difficult. The build process is somewhat too complicated
for a user to perform by hand, even given instructions. How about we
instead tell Losedows users to install Cygwin? The only other approach
that comes to my mind is writing a .bat script that would be an
equivalent of build.sh. This is doable. Whether worth the effort - that
will depend on how many people want to build the extension under
Micro$oft's system.

In general - I don't mind supporting nonfree OS'es if there's demand. I
can easily use Wine for that without having to run the OS :)

> For the record, I can do this work, but I bring it up here as a way of
> attempting to address the patch paradox:

You mean documenting the build process? If you do so, I shall be
grateful and accept the contribution. If you want my opinion - I think
it is more urgent to work on the 43 issues we have open:

> If you're able to get funding for this, I would be available to work
> on this and other development part-time, perhaps full-time.

I'll keep that in mind :)
Btw, thank you for your feedback!

> Please sign me up for updates on this project (incl. any mailing
> list/newsletter that you might set up).

Here goes another feedback request - do you all think we should set up
a mailing list for the project? It might be a good place for community.
And at the same time, it could be doubling of issue tracker's purpose
(it also offers a forum).
Btw2, I activated your account on hachettebugs


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