Great project.

As you alluded with your closing remark, another problem with LibreJS is
that it is not "well-owned".  This appears to already be a non-issue for

Currently, the README's build instructions assume that the user is not
working on an adversarial system.  One thing I'd like to see with
Hachette, in order to maximize user freedom, is to not make this
assumption.  Instead, revamp the build system.  Consider someone trying
to work in a public library or from a lab where they do not have control
over the operating system of the machine that they're running. They're
unlikely to be able to use `./`.  (And even if the person trying
to make modifications is using, say, a POSIX system, subtle differences
across ostensibly POSIX-compatible implementations can cause problems.)

This can be ameliorated by redoing the build system so that a
description of the build process is detailed in a document (say
build.html) that lives in the repo root.  This document would be
responsible for both telling the user what steps are necessary, and to
function as the build script itself.  Under these circumstances, the
requirements to be able to modify/build Hachette would be exactly the
same as the requirements to use it--i.e., that they have access to a Web
browser.  This is a fairly safe assumption in general, but given the
nature of the project, it is known that this requirement will be

For the record, I can do this work, but I bring it up here as a way of
attempting to address the patch paradox:


If you're able to get funding for this, I would be available to work on
this and other development part-time, perhaps full-time.

On 7/1/21 11:08 AM, W. Kosior via wrote:
> If you have questions, comments, advice or constructive critique, you
> can also write directly to me:

Please sign me up for updates on this project (incl. any mailing
list/newsletter that you might set up).

Colby Russell

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