On Mon, Jul 04, 2016 at 09:16:22PM +0530, Kapil Adhikesavalu wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for the information. This is exactly what I was looking for.
> My implementation involves around 3K dynamic MACs.
> Couple of questions,
> 1. MAC eviction on table full. I took a look at NORMAL action Mac learning
> code. It had implemented MAC eviction by giving fair share of entries for
> the each port in the table.
> Is there something similar available for LEARN action? I didn't find a way
> to configure it.

Yes, see the documentation for the Flow_Table table in

> I am concerned about the case where DOS attack is done by sending ton of
> MAC on one port leading to flushing of MACs in other ports.
> 2. Will there be any noticeable performance difference between using action
> NORMAL and LEARN. Assuming there wouldn't be too much MAC movement.

I would expect performance to be similar.
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