Hi Ben,

Thanks for the information. This is exactly what I was looking for.

My implementation involves around 3K dynamic MACs.

Couple of questions,

1. MAC eviction on table full. I took a look at NORMAL action Mac learning
code. It had implemented MAC eviction by giving fair share of entries for
the each port in the table.

Is there something similar available for LEARN action? I didn't find a way
to configure it.

I am concerned about the case where DOS attack is done by sending ton of
MAC on one port leading to flushing of MACs in other ports.

2. Will there be any noticeable performance difference between using action
NORMAL and LEARN. Assuming there wouldn't be too much MAC movement.

On 02-Jul-2016 6:27 AM, "Ben Pfaff" <b...@ovn.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 07:21:53PM +0530, Kapil Adhikesavalu wrote:
> > is there a way to get notification on MACs learnt on a OVS bridge ?
> OVS doesn't provide a way to do that.
> If you implement MAC learning using the "learn" action, e.g. as
> described in the OVS tutorial under the tutorial/ directory, then you
> can monitor the table that contains the learned MACs to get
> notifications when a MAC is learned or expires.
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