On Mon, May 02, 2016 at 08:35:39AM +0000, ‪Majid Taleqani‬ ‪ wrote:
> i have a host that sends 100 tcp syn packets per second which every packet 
> has spoofed source IP and as a result they all will be sent to the POX 
> controller. as i monitor by Wireshark i see that the first 250s packetIns 
> have meaningful Bufffer ID value in packetin  but then i see lots of 
> packetins which their Buffer id field equals to 4294967295 . i guess when a 
> packetin with buffer id = 4294967295  is sent to controller means that the 
> openvswitch port has overflowed and as a result the packet can not be 
> buffered in open vswitch and the whole packet is sent to controller. 
> is my guess right?  

The OpenFlow specification covers the meaning of the buffer_id, and you
understand it correctly.
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