Hi Majid Your guess is correct.
4294967295 is eqaul to 0xFFFFFFFF which indicates that the whole packet is contained in the packet-in message. - Volkan ________________________________________ From: discuss [discuss-boun...@openvswitch.org] on behalf of Majid Taleqani [majid.taleq...@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 11:35 AM To: discuss@openvswitch.org Subject: [ovs-discuss] receiving packet In with Buffer ID = 4294967295 hello i have a host that sends 100 tcp syn packets per second which every packet has spoofed source IP and as a result they all will be sent to the POX controller. as i monitor by Wireshark i see that the first 250s packetIns have meaningful Bufffer ID value in packetin but then i see lots of packetins which their Buffer id field equals to 4294967295 . i guess when a packetin with buffer id = 4294967295 is sent to controller means that the openvswitch port has overflowed and as a result the packet can not be buffered in open vswitch and the whole packet is sent to controller. is my guess right? thank you _______________________________________________ discuss mailing list discuss@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss