Hi Yu-hyun,

On 4/7/16 6:43 AM, 신유현 wrote:
> Hello,
> I read *README-lisp.md** *and it states that 'A LISP "map-cache" can
> be implemented using flows'. I wonder does this mean that the whole
> lisp control plane
> is replaced by openflow messages and flow table in OVS, and lisp
> control messages like map-request and map-reply  not supported by OVS.

That is correct. OVS doesn't send Map-Request messages, nor processes
Map-Replies. It only supports the LISP data plane, you need to use an
external controller for the LISP control plane. There are some examples
on how to use OpenDaylight with OVS here [1]. It is somewhat outdated,
but if you're interested in making it work, you can contact the
OpenDaylight LISP development team, see [2].

> I want to make sure whether OVS supports lisp control plane or not.
> Does OVS support lisp control plane?

No, see above.


[2] https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Lisp_Flow_Mapping:Main

> Thanks and regards,
> Yu-hyun.
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