Dear All,          

         I am facing the same problem as; But the
thread seems not to be solved , can someone help me?


Thank you.


Ovs version : 2.5.0

Dpdk version: 2.2.0

Ovs-vsctl show:



    Bridge "br0"

        Port "br0"

            Interface "br0"

                type: internal

        Port "dpdk0"

            Interface "dpdk0"

                type: dpdk

        Port "vhost-user1"

            Interface "vhost-user1"

                type: dpdkvhostuser

        Port "vhost-user2"

            Interface "vhost-user2"

                type: dpdkvhostuser


qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 1 -cpu host -hda /root/vm12.qcow2 -boot c
-enable-kvm -no-reboot -net none -vnc -chardev
socket,id=char2,path=/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user2 -netdev
type=vhost-user,id=mynet2,chardev=char2,vhostforce -device
virtio-net-pci,mac=02:00:00:00:02:22,netdev=mynet2 -object
memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=1024M,mem-path=/dev/hugepages,share=on -numa
node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -d exec -name vm12

qemu-system-x86_64: -netdev
type=vhost-user,id=mynet2,chardev=char2,vhostforce: chardev "char2" went up


vm ip is; os is Centos 6.7 x86_64; kernel is 2.6.32

host os is Ubuntu 14.04.2 kernel is 3.16.

host cat /etc/network/interface


auto lo

iface lo inet loopback


# The primary network interface

#auto p1p1

#iface p1p1 inet dhcp


auto p3p1

iface p3p1 inet dhcp


auto p1p1

iface p1p1 inet manual

up ifconfig $IFACE up

down ifconfig $IFACE down


auto br0

iface br0 inet dhcp



root@host152:~# $DPDK_DIR/tools/ --status


Network devices using DPDK-compatible driver


0000:01:00.0 '82575EB Gigabit Network Connection' drv=vfio-pci unused=

0000:01:00.1 '82575EB Gigabit Network Connection' drv=vfio-pci unused=


Network devices using kernel driver


0000:03:00.0 'RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller'
if=p3p1 drv=r8169 unused=vfio-pci *Active*


Other network devices



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