What is that you want to do at a high level? i.e. what is your goal?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Nishanth Devarajan <dev_ra...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I tried, I don’t know why but it doesn’t work. I even tried removing OVS 
> entirely and reinstalling it again. Even then it gives the same error. 
> However when I run mininet , the topology works fine without any error from 
> OVS or anything else. How does that even work?
> Thanks,
> Nishanth
>> On 13-Oct-2015, at 11:35 pm, Gurucharan Shetty <shet...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> Where ever you did a 'make install', do a 'make uninstall'. The end
>> result should be that 'find /usr -name ovs-vswitchd' should only say
>> /usr/sbin/ovs-vswitchd.
>> Then:
>> ps -ef | grep ovs
>> Kill both ovs-vswitchd and ovsdb-server processes using 'kill'.
>> Then do '/etc/init.d/openvswitch start'
>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Nishanth Devarajan
>> <dev_ra...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> No I don’t know what Im doing very well. How exactly do I uninstall one of 
>>> them completely so that I don’t get this problem? Also thanks :)
>>>> On 13-Oct-2015, at 9:55 pm, Gurucharan Shetty <shet...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Nishanth Devarajan <dev_ra...@yahoo.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It says;
>>>>> /usr/sbin/ovs-vswitchd
>>>>> /usr/local/sbin/ovs-vswitchd
>>>> The error message in your log file says that there was already a
>>>> ovs-vswitchd running. It is likely that since you have 2 ovs-vswitchd
>>>> installed in your system, one of them has already been started with a
>>>> startup script. So when you start the other one, it complained saying
>>>> that another one has already been started.
>>>> You having 2 ovs-vswitchd in /usr/sbin/ and /usr/local/sbin/ also
>>>> tells me that you likely installed one using 'make install' and the
>>>> other using rpm or ubuntu packages. I strongly suggest to uninstall
>>>> one of them (unless you know very well what you are doing)
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