But in my command on mininet I specify the link speed to 50mbps and it still 
gives me the same value 10000000 which corresponds to 10gbps because that value 
is in kbps.

I saw a mail in mailing list from openflow that people could get the current 
transmit rate, however I don't know if they usede mininet and ovs. So I kinda 
think that this value is not "working properly" because I'm using ovs with 
mininet, however I'm not sure because there is no information on that matter. 
According to openflow spec the request I make should return the link max speed 
and current link speed.

So I just want to know if there's a way to obtain the current link speed or 
current transmit rate ? Or given what I'm using why it is not possible to know 

Nuno B.

De: Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com>
Enviado: 23 de março de 2015 20:22
Para: Rui Braz
Cc: mininet-disc...@lists.stanford.edu; discuss@openvswitch.org
Assunto: Re: [ovs-discuss] Current and max speed values static and not changing 
according to link load

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 07:23:02PM +0000, Rui Braz wrote:
> It is giving me always 10mb no matter what
> ("flow-node-inventory:current-speed": 10000000) and
> ("flow-node-inventory:maximum-speed": 0). The current speed
> according to documentation is the "Current port bit rate in
> kbps". However is always 10000000, even though I'm not sending
> packets on the link.

These are probably derived from OVS reports of the link rate (e.g. 10
Mbps or some order of magnitude higher), not the number of bits
actually flowing at any given time.

> Also when I do " s2 ovs-ofctl -Oopenflow13 show "s2" "I received the
> following response: http://pastebin.com/HUwvJ1SR. Can someone
> explain to me why the 'current' and 'speed' fields are not changing
> according to the link load ?

OpenFlow reports the link rate not the number of bits flowing at any
given time.
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