On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 07:23:02PM +0000, Rui Braz wrote:
> It is giving me always 10mb no matter what
> ("flow-node-inventory:current-speed": 10000000) and
> ("flow-node-inventory:maximum-speed": 0). The current speed
> according to documentation is the "Current port bit rate in
> kbps". However is always 10000000, even though I'm not sending
> packets on the link.

These are probably derived from OVS reports of the link rate (e.g. 10
Mbps or some order of magnitude higher), not the number of bits
actually flowing at any given time.

> Also when I do " s2 ovs-ofctl -Oopenflow13 show "s2" "I received the
> following response: http://pastebin.com/HUwvJ1SR. Can someone
> explain to me why the 'current' and 'speed' fields are not changing
> according to the link load ?

OpenFlow reports the link rate not the number of bits flowing at any
given time.
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