I appreciate you spending the time to look into this, Alex. Thanks.

This approach sounds reasonable to me. I think my only concern is that
if we remove the test, then we will only be testing quite large (256
byte) inputs, and nothing smaller. I wonder if it would be useful to
have a test on smaller input, but larger than 32-bit (perhaps 128 or
256 bits).

On 26 February 2015 at 10:44, Alex Wang <al...@nicira.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm helping Joe to look at this issue.
> Here is excerpt of Joe's comment on his original patch:
> """
> My thoughts are converging towards this: The test is very strict,
> particularly for inputs that have little variance (eg, single bit set
> in the whole input). The hash function itself has been thoroughly
> tested by the original developers at Google, and I shouldn't have done
> anything to decrease the hash quality. I'm inclined to push the
> testsuite change that modifies the seed to something which passes on
> both big- and little-endian systems.
> """
> Seems to me that the hash function is meant to compute hash for very long
> words (longer than 128 bits, e.g. struct flow).  And we already have test
> for
> checking the 1-bit set case for hash of 16*128-bit word.  So, could we just
> remove the this failing test that uses uint32_t as input and add comment to
> warn users (that the function should only be called with > 128-bit word)?
> The patch is sent out here:
> http://openvswitch.org/pipermail/dev/2015-February/051727.html
> Thanks,
> Alex Wang,
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Andrew Mann <and...@divvycloud.com> wrote:
>> For what it's worth, Bob Jenkins has some good discussion around this, and
>> some code that can help measure such properties of hashes:
>> http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/index.html
>> Specifically the "tests" section may offer a good start for measuring the
>> characteristics of the hash output with quantitative results.
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 03:35:22PM -0800, Joe Stringer wrote:
>>> > Previously, when using the 128-bit hash in conjunction with the 32-bit
>>> > hash tables, we would ignore the upper 96 bits rather than attempting
>>> > to
>>> > redistribute the hash across the 32-bit output space. This patch adds a
>>> > new function to translate the hash down from 128 bits to 32 bits for
>>> > this use case.
>>> Suppose that we had 128-bit random numbers instead of 128-bit hashes.
>>> Then, if combining the 32-bit pieces of that random number gave us a
>>> higher-quality random 32-bit number than just taking any one 32-bit
>>> piece, it would mean that the random numbers weren't very random.
>>> By analogy, I think that this patch (without reading it) should only
>>> make a difference if the 128-bit hash isn't very high-quality.  If so,
>>> it might be better to consider improving our 128-bit hash function,
>>> instead of the approach taken here.
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>> Andrew Mann
>> DivvyCloud Inc.
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