Thanks for the answers.
I see flows getting deleted on disconnect I will try to figure out from where 
these calls are coming.
In my project I implemented an alternate ofproto_class and added callbacks for 
meters so I can add meters either using ovs-ofctl or via Open DayLight.
I will see what I can do about changing OpenFlow specification.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Pfaff []
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 20:08
To: Gur Stavi
Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] Meter IDs and meter cleanup on disconnect

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 05:33:36AM +0000, Gur Stavi wrote:
> I have 2 questions about meters:
> If OVS loses connection to controller it delete active flows

No, it doesn't.

> but does not delete active meters. Shouldn't meters be deleted as
> well.

How are you adding meters?  The FAQ says:

Q: Does Open vSwitch support OpenFlow meters?

A: Since version 2.0, Open vSwitch has OpenFlow protocol support for
   OpenFlow meters.  There is no implementation of meters in the Open
   vSwitch software switch (neither the kernel-based nor userspace

> Meters are stored in an array in ofproto where meter_id is used as an index 
> into the array.
> The datapath need to pre-declare the array size using max_meters during a 
> call to meter_get_features.
> This puts a hard limit on the range of Meter IDs 0-max_meters.
> It may be very convenient to the controller to have freedom in the selection 
> of meter_id 32 bits in order to easily associate flows to meters.

This is not an Open vSwitch restriction.  It comes straight from the OpenFlow 
specification: "Meters are defined starting with meter_id=1 up to the maximum 
number of meters that the switch can support."

> For example: if the bridge states that max_meters=4 the controller may want 
> to select meter-ids as a function of vlan: 1000, 1200, 1560, 3420.
> Is it possible to change meters in ofproto from an array into hash?

Only if you change OpenFlow first.

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