Hi Alex,

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Alex Wang <al...@nicira.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Han Zhou <zhou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> That's cool!
>> Just one more question.
>> >    Due to the race condition in userspace, there is chance that two
>> >    overlapping megaflows could be installed in datapath.  And this
>> >    causes userspace unable to delete the less inclusive megaflow flow
>> >    even after it timeout, since the flow_del logic will stop at the
>> >    first match of masked flow.
>> Does it mean if the more inclusive megaflow (say A) is deleted, then
>> the less inclusive megaflow (say B) can be deleted? If so, I can have
>> a workaround without updating OVS version: I can find out the more
>> inclusive megaflow and manually delete flows with ovs-dpctl in order
>> (A -> B), then warning logs should stop, right?
> Right.  Note you should prevent the relevant traffic from installing the
> 'more inclusive' flow between deletions.

I did find out a more inclusive mega-flow, but failed when trying to
delete that one:
# ovs-dpctl del-flow system@ovs-system
2014-07-02T08:16:29Z|00001|dpif|WARN|system@ovs-system: failed to
flow_del (Invalid argument)
ovs-dpctl: deleting flow (Invalid argument)

The error is now "Invalid argument". So what's wrong here?

Best regards,
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