Then the question is why did eth0 IP address get reset ? Did you use dhcp
to host ip ?

*Best Regards!*

*Chao Yan--------------**My twitter:Andy Yan @yanchao727

*My Weibo:

2014-06-23 11:54 GMT+08:00 quamar niyaz <>:

> Hello,
> I am trying to deploy a testbed using the tutorial mentioned in
> I have five PCs, among
> them I want to use one PC as a controller, two PCs as switches and two PCs
> as hosts. The two PCs which I want to use as switches have three ethernet
> interfaces. One interface is used to connect with the controller and the
> other two interfaces are used as switch ports according to the tutorial. I
> installed openvswitch1.1.0pre2.tar.gz package on them. The two PCs for
> switches and the controller PC are connected with a switch(hub). Following
> are my configurations:
> i) The controller PC has the IP and started the POX
> controller with L2 learning switch module using the command ./
> log.level --DEBUG forwarding.l2_learning
> ii) One of the PC used for switch has configured in the following manner:
>     a) IP of ethernet interface eth0: I am able to ping
> the controller PC.
>     b) Create a datapath using the command: sudo ./utilities/ovs-dpctl
> add-dp dp0.
>     c) Then added the rest two interfaces using the command: sudo
> ./utilities/ovs-dpctl add-if dp0 eth1 (one more time for adding eth2)
>     d) Then tried to connect the controller using the command: sudo
> ./utilities/ovs-openflowd dp0 --datapath-id=00000023208BA290
> tcp: port 6633 --out-of-band
> However I could not get connect with the controller. The issue, I figured
> out, is that the when I create a datapath dp0, the switch PC's interface
> eth0 IP address gets reset. I checked it with ifconfig and it shows no IP
> address for any interface and I am not able to ping the controller after
> that. Here is the topology diagram. All of the these machines are VMs
> created over ESXi host and connected through VM Networks.
>                                                 _______________
>                                               |
> |
>                                               |    PC Controller     |
>                                               |            eth0          |
>                                               |_______________  |
>                                                                  |
>                                                                  |
>                                                          ____ |___
>                                     ____________|               |_________
>                                     |                    |  VMNet2  |
>           |
>                              ____|________      |________  |
> ______|_______
>                             |    eth0            |        ________
>       |    eth0            |
>                             |PC SW_1  eth1|____|              |_____|
> PC SW_2   |
>                             |                       |      |VMnet3
> |         | eth1               |
>                             |    eth2             |
> |________|         |        eth2        |
>                             |_____________|
> |_____________|
>                                     |
>                               |
>                                     |
>                      |
> |                                                          |
>                                   _|__
>                    __|__
>                                  |
> |                                                |        |
>                                  | VM  |
>                 | VM  |
>                                  |
> Net4|                                                | Net5|
>                                  |____ |
>               |_____|
>                                     |
>                               |
>                                     |
>                               |
>                                   PC
> H1                                               PC H2
> Can anyone help me to figured it out. I am trying to get it fixed, but
> could not succeed. I really appreciate your help.
> Thanks.
> --
> With regards,
> Quamar Niyaz
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