I am trying to deploy a testbed using the tutorial mentioned in
http://archive.openflow.org/wp/deploy-labsetup/. I have five PCs, among
them I want to use one PC as a controller, two PCs as switches and two PCs
as hosts. The two PCs which I want to use as switches have three ethernet
interfaces. One interface is used to connect with the controller and the
other two interfaces are used as switch ports according to the tutorial. I
installed openvswitch1.1.0pre2.tar.gz package on them. The two PCs for
switches and the controller PC are connected with a switch(hub). Following
are my configurations:
i) The controller PC has the IP and started the POX
controller with L2 learning switch module using the command ./pox.py
log.level --DEBUG forwarding.l2_learning
ii) One of the PC used for switch has configured in the following manner:
    a) IP of ethernet interface eth0: I am able to ping the
controller PC.
    b) Create a datapath using the command: sudo ./utilities/ovs-dpctl
add-dp dp0.
    c) Then added the rest two interfaces using the command: sudo
./utilities/ovs-dpctl add-if dp0 eth1 (one more time for adding eth2)
    d) Then tried to connect the controller using the command: sudo
./utilities/ovs-openflowd dp0 --datapath-id=00000023208BA290
tcp: port 6633 --out-of-band

However I could not get connect with the controller. The issue, I figured
out, is that the when I create a datapath dp0, the switch PC's interface
eth0 IP address gets reset. I checked it with ifconfig and it shows no IP
address for any interface and I am not able to ping the controller after
that. Here is the topology diagram. All of the these machines are VMs
created over ESXi host and connected through VM Networks.

                                              |                            |
                                              |    PC Controller     |

                                              |            eth0          |
                                              |_______________  |

                                                         ____ |___
                                    ____________|               |_________
                                    |                    |  VMNet2  |
                             ____|________      |________  |
                            |    eth0            |        ________
|    eth0            |
                            |PC SW_1  eth1|____|              |_____|
PC SW_2   |
                            |                       |      |VMnet3
|         | eth1               |
                            |    eth2             |      |________|
|        eth2        |

|                                                          |
|                                                |        |
                                 | VM  |
                | VM  |
Net4|                                                | Net5|
                                 |____ |
H1                                               PC H2

Can anyone help me to figured it out. I am trying to get it fixed, but
could not succeed. I really appreciate your help.

With regards,
Quamar Niyaz
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