Hi Samantha,

It is most likely your OVS configuration which is not connecting two interfaces 
on switches A and B properly. I am assuming your A and B are on the same 
machine. Below is the answer to your question regarding how controller 
determines connectivity between two switches.

The OpenDayLight sends LLDP packets on each interface of the switch with a 
signature (custom TLV)  containing the outgoing interface name. When the LLDP 
packet is received by the peer switch, being a OF switch, it punts this LLDP 
packet back to Controller via "Packet In" message. Controller looks for the 
signature determines that it is the same packet it had sent out on a switch A 
and now it is received by switch B. Controller has the outgoing switch, 
outgoing interface, incoming switch, and incoming interface.  This is all the 
information needed to form the topology.


From: samantha Andares <sam.anda...@hotmail.com<mailto:sam.anda...@hotmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:59 AM
To: "discuss@openvswitch.org<mailto:discuss@openvswitch.org>" 
Subject: [ovs-discuss] How does the controller determines that 2 ovs-switch are 

 Hi all,

I understand that might be a question more related to the controller, but at 
this point, i am not sure.

So, basically, i have such a configuration:

--------                           ---------                                    
|   A  | -eth0--> eth0 -|   B   | -eth4 ----- LAN ------eth4 | Controller |
--------                           ---------                                    

node A and B are 2 ovs-switch.... I can get both A and B to connect to the 
controller, but the controller, in my case OpenDaylight, does not draw a line 
between A and B... meaning it doens't know they are connected together, 
right?.... how can we have both connected?
If i had a br0:1 interface on A with the LAN subnet that is between B and the 
controller, it shows that br0:1 address as a host connected to B for that 

Anyone knows why it doesn't see a link between A and B or why it sees br0:1 as 
a host? Does anyone know how the controller determines if 2 nodes are connected 
to each other (in my case I would expect it to see that eth0 in br0 of A is 
connected to eth0 in br0 of B)... maybe by knowing that i could fix that up ...



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