>> >Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] VXLAN problems
>> >To: Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com>
>> >Cc: "discuss@openvswitch.org" <discuss@openvswitch.org>
>> >Message-ID:
>> >    
>> ><cafiynd8qd7eu4sv2eoljxka0k05k-ns+ag0reaeudgacejk...@mail.gmail.com>
>> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> >
>> >I managed to solve this by setting VM NIC MTU to 1400, 1450 wasn't enough.
>> >
>> >Thanks.
>> Hello ,I use ovs-2.0.0 and test vxlan scp between two VMS,and find the 
>> same problem¡£
>> but I think change VM NIC MTU is just avoid and has not solve the 
>> problem¡£I want to
>> know we have to change VM NIC or PHY NIC MTU when we use vxlan to 
>> communication ?
>This is due to the tunnel outer header that adds VXLAN + UDP + IP + ETH = 50 
>bytes to the inner packets. When TCP stream is tested between VMs, TCP buffer 
>is segmented to 1500 bytes, but with outer header added, it will be 1550 that 
>slightly exceed PHY NIC MTU, and results in an additional IP fragmentation 
>into big + small packet pairs in Hypervisor's IP stack.
>In my environment configuring VM MTU to the same as PHY NIC MTU (1500) leads 
>to 40% performance drop.
>Does this answer your question?
>Best regards,

Thank you for your reply ,Han. I agree with your analysis and know the process 
, My confusion is, whether to have clear documentation or rules that PHY or VM 
NIC MTU need to be modified when we use

ovs vxlan to communication ?  

if needed, we should increase PYH NIC MTU or decrease VM NIC MTU ?
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