Dear all,

I install Layer 1 Flow Rules (namely: Port 1 ->Port 2, Port 2 -> Port 1)
from Open Flow controller (as well as through ovs-ofctl):
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,idle_timeout=0,actions=output:2
I use 1000 test L4 UDP flows (with various dst.ports) to test the Switch
with 1000 of packets in each 64 bytes size and ~0.2 Mpps rate

1. When I put test traffic into incoming port I see that it installs 1000
flows into its datapath with L4 granularity:

packets:350, bytes:21000, used:-0.004s, actions:1,3

Is it correct behavior of OVS's internal logic? Shiould datapath install L1
flows or L4 flows in such case? I use ovs_version: "2.0.0"

Besides this, I see the packet loss (about 3%) in OVS out of 1.000.000
packets arrived to its incoming port:
sudo ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows br0:
duration=3908s, priority=32768, n_packets=997160, n_bytes=59829600,
duration=3908s, priority=32768, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
table_id=254, duration=7623s, priority=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
table_id=254, duration=7623s, priority=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
table_id=254, duration=7623s, priority=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,

2. In ovs-dpctl utility there is the possibility to install flows directly
in datapath. But when try following command it returns an error:
sudo ovs-dpctl add-flow system in_port=1,idle_timeout=0,actions=output:2
ovs-dpctl: parsing flow key (Invalid argument)

What is the correct syntax should be for such command? (I couldn't find IT
neither in man page nor in examples)

Best regards,
Anton Matsiuk
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