I have installed the latest version of OVS (1.10) on RHEL 6.4 with KVM and 
running two VM's on it. I followed the instructions per  INSTALL.RHEL and 
INSTALL.KVM but had some problems during the process, but it looks like the 
install itself was successful.
The install problems  were:
        1. yum install kernel-kdump-devel (Error: no package ..available). This 
resulted in only one (default) rpm being generated
        2. make install could not install on /usr/local/bin/ because it was 
read-only file system (even when I was root). Redid the configure with a 
different destination and it seemed to work. (not clear if this in 
itself is a problem.
After the install, 

        * Started ovsdb server    
        * ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock \ 
--remote=db:Open_vSwitch,manager_options \  --pidfile --detach
        * ovs-vsctl --no_wait init

        * Started open vswitch daemon
        * ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach
        * setup the bridge
        * ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0
        * ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 p4p1

        *       * 

After this I expected to see the bridges on ifconfig output, but I do not. 
dmesg tail shows:

   openvswitch: Open vSwitch switching datapath 1.10.0, built Jun  3 2013 

Looking at the 'ps -ef' output shows ovsdb-server, ovs-vswitchd (2 processes) 
and [ovs_workq] running. ovs_workq is owned by root, the others by the user.

I went through the discussion archive and suggestions to similar problems were
        1. Look through ovs-vswitchd.log - I do not find this file anywhere, 
where is it? did my install go wrong?
        2. Create a new VM after creating the bridge - I tried that, but there 
is no bridge with the name I created to assign to the newly created vm
ovs-vsctl shows the new interfaces and bridge created, but are these just 
showing the registered names? how do I debug this?
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