On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:14:24AM -0800, Umair Hoodbhoy wrote:
> Does this mean that if you do *not* have Linux 3.3 or later (e.g. you have
> 3.2), then you don't need ovs-brcompatd?

No.  It means that if you need ovs-brcompatd, you must use the
third-party OVS kernel module instead of the one built into Linux 3.3
and later.

> Also, under which circumstances would someone not need bridge compatibility
> in an OVS world?

brcompatd provides a way for applications that use the Linux bridge to
gradually migrate to Open vSwitch.  Programs that ordinarily control
the Linux bridge module, such as "brctl", instead control the Open
vSwitch kernel-based switch.  If you do not already depend on these
programs, then you do not need bridge compatibility.
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