Newbie here. I have some questions about this part of the FAQ:

================== BEGIN ==================

Q: What features are not available in the Open vSwitch kernel datapath
   that ships as part of the upstream Linux kernel?

A: The kernel module in upstream Linux 3.3 and later does not include
   the following features:

       - Bridge compatibility, that is, support for the ovs-brcompatd
         daemon that (if you enable it) lets "brctl" and other Linux
         bridge tools transparently work with Open vSwitch instead.

         We do not expect bridge compatibility to ever be available in
         upstream Linux.  If you need bridge compatibility, use the
         kernel module from the Open vSwitch distribution instead of the
         upstream Linux kernel module.

================== END ==================

Does this mean that if you do *not* have Linux 3.3 or later (e.g. you have
3.2), then you don't need ovs-brcompatd?

Also, under which circumstances would someone not need bridge compatibility
in an OVS world?


-- Umair
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