On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 12:02:46PM -0800, David Erickson wrote:
> On 12/1/2011 12:01 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> >On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 06:18:15PM -0800, David Erickson wrote:
> >>I think I've run into another semi-related issue with inband.  I
> >>recently changed the fail mode of my OVS instances from standalone
> >>to secure because I wanted them to continue using the rules that had
> >>been set in the event the controller died or needed restarting.
> >>This had the unfortunate side effect that if the controller is down
> >>long enough then the box can lose its DHCP lease, and be unable to
> >>get a new one because DHCP requests are trying to be sent to the
> >>controller, but the switch isn't able to connect to the controller
> >>without an address, ie:
> >>
> >>Nov 30 21:04:52 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on xenbr0 to
> >> port 67 interval 4
> >>Nov 30 21:04:56 localhost dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.
> >>Nov 30 21:04:56 localhost dhclient: No working leases in persistent
> >>database - sleeping.
> >>Nov 30 21:04:58 localhost ovs-vswitchd:
> >>789878|stream_tcp|ERR|tcp: connect: Network is
> >>unreachable
> >>
> >>What is the behavior of the inband rules when the switch is in
> >>secure mode and has lost connection to the controller?
> >No different from any other time.
> >
> >>It seems to me like they are being ignored, or at least the DHCP
> >>rule doesn't seem to be working.
> >Please investigate further.  I would start by finding out whether the
> >DHCP requests are making it out on the wire, then if they are, whether
> >DHCP replies are visible coming back across the wire.
> Ya the requests aren't making it onto the wire.

Please capture the kernel flow that matches the request with
"ovs-dpctl dump-flows", then feed that flow back into "ofproto/trace"
to see what OVS is actually doing with it.


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