I think I've run into another semi-related issue with inband. I recently changed the fail mode of my OVS instances from standalone to secure because I wanted them to continue using the rules that had been set in the event the controller died or needed restarting. This had the unfortunate side effect that if the controller is down long enough then the box can lose its DHCP lease, and be unable to get a new one because DHCP requests are trying to be sent to the controller, but the switch isn't able to connect to the controller without an address, ie:

Nov 30 21:04:52 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on xenbr0 to port 67 interval 4
Nov 30 21:04:56 localhost dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.
Nov 30 21:04:56 localhost dhclient: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. Nov 30 21:04:58 localhost ovs-vswitchd: 789878|stream_tcp|ERR|tcp: connect: Network is unreachable

What is the behavior of the inband rules when the switch is in secure mode and has lost connection to the controller? It seems to me like they are being ignored, or at least the DHCP rule doesn't seem to be working.

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