Actually i'm interested to this question too. I'm trying to modify xen network scripts in order to have it bind the vif to the right bridge and with the right vlan tag (if using a
bridge with trunk ports).

I found that slackware has some interesting scripts here:

but I dont really understand how they get it to work, especially for the vlan part.

They have a $tag check in vif-openvswitch but the xen configuration files don't allow the use of the tag attribute
for a vif:

example vif definition:
vif = [ 'ip=, bridge=trunk0, tag=85, vifname=vm1.0' ]

myhost# xm create -c /cloud/data2/configs/vm1.cfg
Using config file "/cloud/data2/configs/vm1.cfg".
Error: Invalid vif option: tag

Althought I think that this topic is more xen oriented and maybe should be addressed the the xen mailing lists, I just wanted to share that info and know if someone around
has ideas or experience with xen (not citrix's one) + openvswitch.


On 09.07.2011 20:36, Ben Pfaff wrote:
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 02:26:01AM +0800, 沒 wrote:
* first question *
if I want to make Domain-0 link to be connected, which port should I attach
to the virtual bridge... eth0? or peth0?
I don't understand this question.  You have one Ethernet port.  Attach
that one to vbr0.  Where does the other one come from?

* second question *
do I need to attach "vif0.0" to the virtual bridge "vbr0"? (vif0.0 ->
interface of Domain0's eth0)
or there is no need to do so, just attach eth0 / peth0?
If you want packets from vif0.0 to be able to reach eth0, and vice
versa, then attach both of them to the same bridge.

* third question *
how can I attach "vif1.0" to "vbr0" before Domain-1 is been created?
Normally you would attach vif1.0 to vbr0 after Domain-1 is created.

* forth question *
with KVM support, INSTALL.KVM says that need to add scripts ovs-ifup /
then, with XEN support system, do we need to write scripts for ifup / ifdown
Yes, you need to make the corresponding changes to Xen.
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