On 2016-07-06 07:34 Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pretty straight forward. Microsoft only supports ODF1.1 through
> Office2010, I believe with 2013 ODF1.2 is supported but I'm not
> positive. Even at that, their support isn't perfect (just like our
> support of OOXML isn't perfect). They put their energy into supporting
> their own standard.

I think they put their energy in discredit open standards.


This is not the topic here. It is a special own topic. Official it is a
open standard (with over 6000 pages and some patents behind it!) but in
practice it is just another war-front of MS to work agains open
If you want to discuss that please open a new thread. btw: I don't
want. ;)

> > As I described I observed that Word doesn't fit to that standard.
> > But Word lie to the user and offer to open and save OpenDocument
> > files.
> I suggest reporting bugs to Microsoft when issues come up.

MS earn money with MS Word. I want invest my time for free to report
bugs. If they pay me enough I would do. Or if they would free the code
I would do free bug reports.

> > The question is why is Microsoft allowed to use "OpenDocument" that
> > way?
> Open standard we want everyone using it, even if not perfectly.

I need to repeat my question here. Why does the OD-Foundation allow

"not perfectly" is against open standards and just help MS with their
non-free formats. It is a simple methode to implement standards only in
a half to show the users that this is "shit".

> > Isn't there a juristic way to restrict that?
> No and even if there was, we wouldn't want that. Then it becomes two
> proprietary standards.

Is this the official statement of the OD-foundation or only yours?

You know the GPL? This is a 100%-thing, too. You have to do it 100% or
your are not allowed.

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