No. The standard is open and thus is encouraged to be adopted by all.
Best, Joel On 07/06/2016 05:47 AM, wrote: > I am a software developer and using LibreOffice (LO) on a Linux > environment. But sometimes I have to deal with Word-users. > In such a mixed working group I found out that Word doesn't "respect" > the OpenDocument format. > > I had a very(!) simple ODT file created with LO. Only text and headings > created with style sheets (german: "Formatvorlage"). > Open and re-save that file with word "destroy" the structure of the > style sheets and something more. e.g. "heading 1-3" becomes just > "heading". > > I am sure you know such problems. > > I want to understand why it is that way? > > I am not so deep in the topic and in the documents about that. But I > think OpenDocument is a well documented and specified standard. > Right? > > As I described I observed that Word doesn't fit to that standard. But > Word lie to the user and offer to open and save OpenDocument files. > > Of course I know why Microsoft software behave like that - destroying > open and free standards. > > The question is why is Microsoft allowed to use "OpenDocument" that way? > > Isn't there a juristic way to restrict that? > > And is the OD-standard really so wishy-washy that the behaviour I > described is fitted by the standard? > -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted