The issue is that MS Office does not support Strict OOXML as default, and
creating Strict OOXML with MS Office is close to impossible.
Il 23 dicembre 2015 9:31:58 PM avamk <> ha scritto:
Thanks krackedpress for your thoughts. I'm glad to hear that you have
been able to complete migrate away from Microsoft Office, and that it
has worked out well for you.
Unfortunately, regardless of which Microsoft Office format I save in -
the old Office 2003 (.doc), Office 2007+ (.docx), or Office Open XML
(OOXML .docx) - there are always countless problems when others open
my documents. This gets even worse for spreadsheets or presentations.
LibreOffice produced .pptx files are literally reported as corrupted
by Microsoft Office 2010 and do not even open (I've reported this
And no, I am not in a position to make everyone around me switch to
LibreOffice. I have already annoyed many colleagues by sending them
.docx/.xlsx/.pptx files saved by LibreOffice, because no one can open
them without serious trouble. This is especially true when my
colleagues include my boss.
Recent versions of Microsoft Office (2013 and 2016) at least claims to
support the strict OOXML format, and that's why I asked my original
question: Does LibreOffice target strict OOXML when I choose the
"Office Open XML" format when saving a file??? Is this documented
somewhere? Is someone managing this?
Assuming LibreOffice will continue to improve export to STRICT OOXML,
then there is a chance that Office 2013/2016 might be able to open
those files from LibreOffice.... one day.
On 11/12/2015, krackedpress [via Document Foundation Mail Archive]
<> wrote:
On 12/10/2015 12:23 PM, avamk wrote:
I was just reading yesterday that starting with Microsoft Office 2010,
Microsoft Office programs like Word and PowerPoint are able to read files
saved in the Office Open XML (OOXML) "strict" format. In fact as far as I
can tell Office 2013 or later natively supports reading and writing to
strict format.
When saving in LibreOffice, I'm presented with the option to save my file
the "Office Open XML" format. My questions are:
(1) Does LibreOffice also save it in the "strict" OOXML format? Is strict
OOXML fully implemented in LibreOffice?
(2) Is it better to save using the "Office Open XML" format, or the
named like "Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint 2007-2013 XML"?
Yes, for software freedom purposes I prefer saving in the Open Document
Format, but I would get endless complaints from colleagues saying I'm
sending them weird and "corrupted" files... :( In fact even if I save in
OOXML format I still get complaints, but at least I get less...
The problem with OOXML is the fact that each updated version of MS
Office seems to use a different version of OOXML.
My solution for Word users is to use .doc instead of .docx. It works
well for me and the people I have to work with that do not use LibreOffice.
If you must use OOXML, do not use the generic Office Open XML. That may
be the generic ISO standard that MS wanted but never used properly [IMO]
after ODF became the defacto International Standard. I would use the one
that states it is for MS Office 2007 / 2010 / 2013.
To be honest, I no longer use MS Office and stopped getting MSO with
2003 version. I have used later version, but always removed them after
a few weeks.
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