As there suppose to be full support for ODF in newest MS Office (MSO) - - so why not use the ODF? Certainly the cooperation should not rely on import-export. As far as I tested there is not such full support regardless of that court case. Have anyone tested ODF support with newest version of MSO?

Using e.g. MS OneDrive ( among partners would solve the online cooperation issue - then the same software and fileformats are available for everyone.

As there is no online version (yet) of LibreOffice but there is MSO online version (MS OneDrive) then people can use that. And it seems that when the online version of LibreOffice comes then you have to set it up in your private cloud in order to use it together online with partners. Actually one instance of online LibreOffice is but not free -

It is always better to promote ODF usage than OOXML whatever version. Due to vendor lock-in I suspect that full compatibility with OOXML in LibreOffice will never happen. Even if OOXML claims to be free - it is still quite challenging to implement its support. Can anyone confirm the full specification availaibility of OOXML? As MSO is using modified version of OOXML and these modifications, as far as I know, are not freely available then making full compatibility would be really challenging...

On 23.12.2015 19:56, avamk wrote:

Recent versions of Microsoft Office (2013 and 2016) at least claims to
support the strict OOXML format, and that's why I asked my original
question: Does LibreOffice target strict OOXML when I choose the
"Office Open XML" format when saving a file??? Is this documented
somewhere? Is someone managing this?

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