Answers inline. On 22/12/15 11:43, Edmund Laugasson wrote:
> What is Collabora Office ( Is this the > LibreOffice Online? Probably not but it looks very much like > LibreOffice. I know that Collabora and also IceWarp are developing > LibreOffice Online. Collabora is developing LibreOffice Online, so the product is the same (when branded by Collabora, there will be additional services included, at a cost). > **Still the question remains whether LibreOffce Online would support > real-time writing (collaboration) or not?* Collaboration has been announced for the second half of 2016. > Also people are asking from me about storage space - would it be similar > like MS OneDrive and Google Drive - 15 GB for free.... LibreOffice Online will not be associated to an online storage space (unless provided by a third party, such as a telecom company). TDF is not going to enter that product arena, which has completely different objectives (advertising, or even others). LibreOffice Online will be have to be installed in a private cloud (a server owned by the user, within his private network). > Anyway - does anybody know some kind of roadmap when at least we can > speak about fully functional LibreOffice Online? First release will be in the first half of 2016, with collaboration added during the second half of 2016. Of course, all information provided here will have to be confirmed at launch time. As of today, it is way too early to start discussing about LibreOffice Online in public, to avoid speculations and foster wrong expectations (as in the case of the online storage). Best, Italo -- Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0 DB75 1534 3FD0 EA5F 56B5 FDA6 DE82 934C AAB8 D5C0 -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted