Dear all,

I searched:

Also I read:

What is Collabora Office ( Is this the LibreOffice Online? Probably not but it looks very much like LibreOffice. I know that Collabora and also IceWarp are developing LibreOffice Online.
**Still the question remains whether LibreOffce Online would support real-time writing (collaboration) or not?*
Is there any limit of participants doing collaboration?

Also people are asking from me about storage space - would it be similar like MS OneDrive and Google Drive - 15 GB for free.... I did not dare to say that in the beginning the LibreOffice Online would be with reduced functionality compared with desktop version...

Then - it seems that CODE is yet another online office suite? Or would this be LibreOffice Online? Using ownCloud will solve the storage need and much better way than just 15 GB as Microsoft or Google offer. But certainly not all can set up own instance of ownCloud...

Anyway - does anybody know some kind of roadmap when at least we can speak about fully functional LibreOffice Online?

Yours faithfully,
Edmund Laugasson

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