On 08/11/15 16:03, Andy Driver wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a quick question which hopefully you can point me in the right
> direction.
> A friend using Windows 10 and Mail on a laptop had problems opening the word
> 2003 documents (.doc),which I had emailed her. I had a look and found that
> Mail would allow .docx and .pdf to open with no problems. But not .doc
> I saved the .doc document to her local drive and then opened it from the
> local drive using LibreOffice Writer.
> I thought it must be a Mail, issue but having read some articles on the web,
> it was suggesting it's not a Mail issue but a file extension/association
> problem!
> If that was the case I don't believe I would be able to open it  with
> Libreoffice, especially as I opened the .doc from windows explorer and not
> from within Libreoffice, which means that windows knew that the .doc
> extension was associated with Libreoffice.
> Sorry to ask here but was unable to find an answer on through google.
> It looks like a Mail issue but cannot find anything in Settings, any
> advice/help would be appreciated.
> Libre version Mail version 176208.42001.0
> Many thanks
> Andy Driver
Thunderbird! :-)

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