I have a quick question which hopefully you can point me in the right
A friend using Windows 10 and Mail on a laptop had problems opening the word
2003 documents (.doc),which I had emailed her. I had a look and found that
Mail would allow .docx and .pdf to open with no problems. But not .doc
I saved the .doc document to her local drive and then opened it from the
local drive using LibreOffice Writer.
I thought it must be a Mail, issue but having read some articles on the web,
it was suggesting it's not a Mail issue but a file extension/association
If that was the case I don't believe I would be able to open it  with
Libreoffice, especially as I opened the .doc from windows explorer and not
from within Libreoffice, which means that windows knew that the .doc
extension was associated with Libreoffice.
Sorry to ask here but was unable to find an answer on through google.
It looks like a Mail issue but cannot find anything in Settings, any
advice/help would be appreciated.
Libre version Mail version 176208.42001.0
Many thanks
Andy Driver

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