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Libreoffice, Academics, Developers.
Referencing Systems and making a bibliography:
Discussion Post on Referencing Systems:
Contributing Email = Long Email Post a lot of information to discuss: It
took a long time to think of questions and statements that are helpful.
I am a high school  student that uses LO. I have never had the need to use
the LO OO referencing system extensively in assessments or work since I
started using OpenOffice in 2007 on Ubuntu, and recently LO until I tried
to use it today just to explore its features and to have a better
understanding of referencing systems on LO and Word. It has never occurred
to me to use the  bibliographic database system in LO, because i always
found the database integration complex. I am familiar with the Libreoffice
Openoffice application environments.

I have a few questions to ask about bibliographic referencing in
Libreoffice: (some of these questions and statements are obvious and easy
to answer others may not be relevant.
Please reply with reasons and answers for disscussion about the referencing

Opinionated Statements from my perspective: (these do not have to be
answered, as its my opinion.)
1.  The bibliographic referencing system is complex and difficult to use by
default. I found it time consuming  to insert citations and a bibliography.
2. little documentation has been made about the bibliographic referencing
system in LO. I  read the help documentation and wiki online, and have
viewed a youtube video about bibliography referencing in Libreoffice, it is
vastly minimal but then is complex to use the referencing system and to
follow the direct steps!
3. compatability does not work between Microsoft Office and Libreoffice
with the usage of both referencing systems from either word or libreoffice,
features are excluded or do not work. (I can ellaborate on these if needed
to be posted)
4. Recent versions of Microsoft Office since 2007 have tried to create
uncomplex versions of referencing and bibliographic citations. These
systems work, but are still limited.
5. LO should create a new referencing system.

Questions about referencing in LO: Not in any order.

1.  Does the referencing system in LO take up a lot of space. example: if i
removed the bibliographic database and bibliographic referencing systems
 in libreoffice would it be smaller as an install and download?
2. Why do Academics and Students use bibliographic systems to reference
there work?
3. What is the easiest common method to insert a bibliography in LO?
4.  Why do LO and Microsoft Word use different referencing systems? How can
they be more compatible?
5.  Do referencing systems in both LO or Word need to be improved?
6.  Why is it complex to insert a citation and bibliography?
7. Do you agree with my statements why or why not?
8. out of curiosity: how was referencing done in Microsoft Office 2002 2003
and earlier versions? does any one know? (brief explanation)

These Questions and Statements is to enable discussion on referencing in LO
on all platforms and Microsft Word for mac and windows.


On Tuesday, 22 May 2012, NoOp wrote:

> On 05/21/2012 01:18 PM, Bruce Byfield wrote:
> > On Sunday, May 20, 2012 09:54:21 PM NoOp wrote:
> >> On 05/18/2012 03:14 PM, Bruce Byfield wrote:
> >> > On Friday, May 18, 2012 11:29:33 AM NoOp wrote:
> >> >> On 05/17/2012 03:15 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
> >> >> ...
> >> >>
> >> >> > There is a need for a few templates for academic use; a built-in
> >> >>
> >> >> ...
> >> >>
> >> >> You might want to contact/collaborate with Orest Kinasevyc. He wrote
> >> >
> >> >> several templates for APA Style 5th & 6th editions for students:
> >> > My own academic days are past, so please excuse a suggestion I'm not
> >> > willing to implement myself.
> >> >
> >> > However, I'm sure that more people would use the bibliographical
> tools if
> >> >  the samples given weren't misleading. Anyone trying to learn from
> them
> >> > might easily give up in despair.
> >>
> >> Perhaps you can explain as to how the samples are misleading? Maybe you
> >> can provide a sample(s) of your own. Or be helpful and provide links to
> >> other APA templates that meet your approval.
> >
> > My apologies for not being clearer. I wasn't talking about this
> particular
> > template, but the default examples given in LibreOffice itself.
> >
> Ah. Thanks for the clarification.
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Laurence Jeloudev
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your emails and then print them off!

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