Le 2012-05-16 03:16, Jussi Silvonen a écrit :
I am a senior researcher at the University of Eastern Finland, and have
used OOo/LibO for years. I think LibO is good enough for basic writing and
Extension I have found useful:
- alternative search, compose special characters, linguist, convert text
to number, notes anchor.
Support for many languages (Finnish + English, French, Spanish, German,
Swedish) is essential for researcher's in any small language area.
I can do almost everything I need with LibO. There are, however, two big
missing features I would favor.
The first missing feature is the management of bibliographic information
(references, citations). In the past – as a Windows user – I used to create
my list of references by using EndNote. It's a great tool for a social
scientist. We really need something like it.
So far we have been quoted 3rd party tools: Zotero; JabRef; Mendely, but
yes, it would be nice if this were a built-in feature.
The other missing feature is real multimedia support for Impress (adding
videos and sound in presentations, don't work now, actually).
I think this has been an on-going "bug" request/fix and hopefully it
will be fixed sometime soon.
There are only few templates for academic use, for thesis, papers for
review in journals etc.To create a proper file for their final version of
their theses is a nightmare for most students using Word. A nice template
for this would be appreciated very much.
Hmm, perhaps we could see if this would be of interest to one of the
devs. Could you do a quick outline of what you would consider necessary
in the template? We would probably need an example of thesis, paper for
review etc for each case. If it doesn't interest anyone at the moment,
at least there will be an outline and examples for someone to take up on
a "work item" list somewhere.
best regards
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